Jumat, 03 Februari 2017

it's been a while

It's been a while since the last time i post on this site, really. Maybe it was two years ago, I wrote something here. Time flies so fast, huh? I'm currently 21 years old right now. Iya, jadi tua banget rasanya kalau ingat kapan pertama kali bikin blog ini. Postingan zaman SMP masih ada, seriously. Kalau dibaca ulang jadi lucu aja, gitu. Bahkan ada postingan tentang cheat game The Sims 2 for PS 2. Hahahaha kocak. (It has been deleted before I publish this post, tho).

So, what's up? It's now 2017. Well, nothing much lately. But I must say that 2016 was really unpredictable for me, I guess. Many things happened in one year, I could tell. Tapi, aku sedikit merasa bersalah sudah mengabaikan blog ini Banyak momen yang terlewatkan untuk ditulis. But since it's my virtual diary I might try to fulfill this blog. Soalnya, belakangan memang lebih suka menulis di tumbr (iya, tumblr memang jadi lebih populer somehow), selain tumblr, aku juga lagi suka sama Medium walaupun nggak banyak yang ditulis di sana. Itu sebabnya blog ini sedikit terabaikan.

2016 sudah berlalu secara resmi. Tapi pelajaran dari 2016 yang nggak bakalan aku lupa. The good thing about last year is, I got to go abroad. Not quite far, but still fair enough for me as a newbie traveler, I guess? I got to visit Thailand last year for a conference of Vet Students in Asia. Bad thing also happened to me, bisa dibilang cukup banyak. I kind of blaming myself back then. But past is past, right? To me, last year was a joke-torturing-happy-random year (sorry, haha). Intinya gado-gado lah. Kuliah juga hectic, begitu juga organisasi. Yes, aku masih ikut organisasi tahun lalu. I guess quitting is not in my dictionary. Sampai sekarang sih masih mikir, kalo aku gila buat keputusan mau join lagi sama organisasi. Tapi banyak kok pelajaran yang aku dapat di tahun kemarin. Walaupun masih aja kebiasaan goler-goler di kasur tetap ada.

What I learned from last year is, I got to be stronger, I'm more aware with people around me, especially in my inner circle. I also learned about acceptance as well. I get to know that everything that we do, is gonna be paid later. Good or bad. Bahkan hal terkecil pun. I tend to believe it that way, so when someone do bad things to me, I'll just take a short-term angry/sad moment and then I'll give the rest to Allah.

So, I hope I could write properly this year. Hopefully.