peace is all we need

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

peace is all we need

i don't know why people always see everything with the outer look.
like, always judge people from their look, their clothes or even their money.
i don't understand how the society works.
like, first they will like, love or even worship you but the next day, you suddenly become their enemy.
i know this is life but, i always want a day without being ignored, where everything runs in a fair way, when there's no rejection in any confession, when people can accept who you really are, when people not taking anything for granted, when you can express your feelings, when everyone is just in the same stage even if they're rich or poor, when the inner beauty is all that matters...
i want a day without any people feel worthless
i want a day when i become myself.
i want a peaceful day.

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